We can plant any kind of crop, with whatever drill is required at the time.
We have three types of Drills:
• Roller Drills - which drop the seed into cultivated ground and then roll over the ground.
• Direct Drills - which drill straight into the ground without needing to cultivate first.
• Maize Planters - these can either direct drill or conventional drill.
Examples of crops we plant include: Turnips, Swedes, Rape, Kale, Chicory, Lucerne, Barley, Oats, Triticale, and all types of Grasses
Preparation is the key to a good crop, from Ploughing or Tandem Discs to Power Harrows with a touch of 6 mtr wide Leveling. If necessary, we can also use an Aerator to rip up any compact ground, either before or after a crop depending on the time of year.